Melilite (Gehlenite - Åkermanite)

Tetragonal  Images    

  Formula (Ca,Na)2(Mg,Al)(Si,Al)2O7
  Optic class & sign Uniaxial positive or negative
  Relief Moderate, positive
  Refractive indices no = 1.624 -1.669
ne = 1.616 -1.661
n decreases from gehlenite to åkermanite; substitution of Na for Ca decreases n; Fe increases n
  Birefringence   (max.)0.000  - 0.013
   Δn decreases from pure gehlenite to about 52-54 mol% åkermanite (Δn = 0), then increases towards åkermanite endmember composition; intermediate members show anomalous interference colours at Δn near zero. Fe increases Δn. Concentric variation of birefringence may be present, indicating compositional zoning.
  Sign of elongation Length-slow, l (+), for gehlenite-rich compositions, length-fast, l (-), for åkermanite-rich compositions
  Interference figure 
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless to pale yellow

  Form  Habit Tabular; square or rectangular cross-sections
  Surface Typically subhedral to euhedral
  Cleavage {001} indistinct; {110} poor
  Twinning Rare
  Extinction Straight to cleavage, basal {001} and prism {100} faces

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition Hydrous Ca-Al-silicates, calcite, zeolites

  Occurence     Ign Silica-deficient mafic volcanics including melilite basalt, leucitite, melilite tuff; rare intrusive rocks
  Met High-grade impure carbonate rocks; sanidinite-facies calc-silicate reaction zones between subsilicic intrusives and carbonate rocks

  Distinctive   properties               Low anomalous birefringence, habit, relief, mineral association
  Additional   comments Rod-like inclusions parallel to c may be present ("peg structure")