
Tetragonal  Images    

  Formula Ca19(Al,Fe3+)10(Mg,Fe)3(Si2O7)4(SiO4)10(O,OH,F)10
  Optic class & sign Uniaxial negative
  Relief High
  Refractive indices no = 1.702 -1.752
ne = 1.698 -1.746
n increases with increasing Fe2+, Fe3+, or Ti
  Birefringence   (max.)0.001  - 0.012
   Anomalous interference colours due to strong dispersion
  Sign of elongation Length-fast, l (-) for crystals elongate in c
  Interference figure Broad isogyre cross, particularly for lower-birefringent varieties; positive optic sign has also been observed in OH-rich varieties which may also be biaxial with 2V up to 65°. Near-isotropic vesuvianite does not yield a useful interference figure.
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless, pale green, pale yellow, pale brown; pleochroism is very weak O>E; colour zoning is common

  Form  Habit Granular to elongate-prismatic; prism faces and/or pyramid faces dominate euhedral crystals; clusters in radial or columnar arrangement, also fibrous
  Surface Euhedral to anhedral
  Cleavage {110}, {100}, {001} poor
  Extinction Straight extinction with respect to prism faces in sections ∥ c; symmetrical to pyramid faces

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition Relatively stable

  Occurence     Ign Nepheline syenite, granite pegmatite
  Met Impure marble, skarn, calcsilicate rocks, rodingite; restricted to environments with H2O-rich fluid compositions
  Hyd Veins and cavities in hydrothermally altered mafic and ultramafic rocks

  Distinctive   properties               High relief, very low birefringence, anomalous interference colours, crystal symmetry
  Additional   comments Vesuvianite may not generally show strong dispersion, in which case normal first-order interference colours are displayed.