
Cubic  Images    

  Formula CaF2
  Optic class & sign Isotropic 
  Relief Moderate, negative
  Refractive Index    1.433 -1.435
Substitution of REE (mainly Y) for Ca increases n (highest reported value 1.47)
  Birefringence Zero; may show weak anomalous birefringence
  Colour Colourless, pale green, pale to deep violet-blue or purple; colour zoning is common in coloured crystals

  Form  Habit Equant (cubes, octahedra, dodecahedra), also columnar to fibrous in banded zones or spheroidal aggregates
  Surface Euhedral to anhedral
  Cleavage {111} perfect (4 sets)
  Twinning {111} common, penetration twins or spinel-type contact twins; can only be recognised in thin section from characteristic crystal outlines (or colour zoning patterns)

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition Soluble; pseudomorphs after fluorite are common

  Occurence     Ign Greisenized granite, pegmatites, carbonatites
  Met Not common
  Sed Detrital in sands, authigenic in evaporites
  Hyd Veins and cavities in granitic to alkaline igneous rocks (and their wall rocks), carbonatites and sedimentary carbonate rocks; hydrothermal replacement deposits, hot spring deposits; rarely as cement in clastic sedimentary rocks

  Distinctive   properties               Moderate-negative relief, isotropic, characteristic cleavage, colour if present
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