
Orthorhombic  Images    

  Formula Al2SiO5
  Optic class & sign Biaxial negative
  Optical orientation a = Z, b = Y, c = X
  Optical plane (010)
  Relief Moderate positive
  Refractive indices nx = 1.629 -1.640
ny = 1.634 -1.644
nz = 1.638 -1.650
n increases with increasing Fe3+ and Mn3+
  Birefringence   (max.)0.009  - 0.012
   In the andalusite-viridine series Δn decreases from the Al endmember (max Δn) to zero at about 6.5 mol% Mn + Fe, then increasing again where optic sign is positive (see under viridine).
  Optic Angle 2Vx = 71 - 88°
  Sign of elongation Length-fast, l (-)
  Interference figure Acute bisectrix figures from sections ⊥ c with melatopes outside the field of view, due to high 2V
  Colour /   pleochroism Commonly colourless; may show pink, yellow or green colour, then pleochroic with X = pink or yellow, Y = Z = colourless, pale yellow or pale green; colour intensity increases towards viridine; chiastolite varieties may have a distinct coloured-pleochroic core zone

  Form  Habit Elongate-prismatic to short-columnar; also irregular forms; square-shaped (pseudotetragonal) sections ⊥ c of euhedral crystals
  Surface Euhedral crystals are common in graphitic rocks; subhedral to anhedral crystals occur more typically in non-graphitic rocks
  Cleavage 2 sets of {110} prismatic cleavage at nearly 90°
  Twinning Rare on {101}
  Extinction Symmetrical to {110} prism faces and cleavage in basal sections; straight to prism faces and cleavage in sections parallel to c

  Reaction textures  Replacement of andalusite by sillimanite or kyanite, resulting from prograde metamorphism or polymetamorphism. Retrograde transformation of sillimanite or kyanite to andalusite is much less common.
  Alteration /   decomposition Sericite, kaolinite, pyrophyllite

  Occurence     Ign Peraluminous granites; rare in pegmatites
  Met Low-pressure Al-rich pelitic rocks in contact- and (low-pressure) regional-metamorphic environments
  Hyd May occur in quartz veins

  Distinctive   properties               Relief, low Δn, extinction characteristics, l (-), pseudo-tetragonal form if euhedral, association with other Al-silicates The chiastolite variety shows a unique and characteristic inclusion pattern mainly along the diagonals of the pseudo-tetragonal prism, forming a feathery cross in sections orthogonal to c. Accumulation of graphite on prism faces can be observed in carbonaceous rocks.
  Additional   comments In schists, andalusite tends to form inclusion-rich porphyroblasts.