
Orthorhombic  Images    

  Formula Ca2Al3O(Si2O7)(SiO4)OH
  Optic class & sign Biaxial positive
  Optical orientation Zoisite: a = X, b = Y, c = Z; ferrian zoisite: a = Y, b = X, c = Z
  Optical plane Zoisite: (010), ferrian zoisite: (100)
  Relief High
  Refractive indices nx = 1.690 -1.703
ny = 1.692 -1.706
nz = 1.696 -1.710
n increases with Fe3+
  Birefringence   (max.)0.006  - 0.007
   Anomalous blue and yellow interference colours due to strong dispersion
  Optic Angle 2Vx = 60 - 90°
2Vz = 90 - 0°
  Sign of elongation Zoisite: length-slow and length-fast, l (+) or l (-), for crystals elongate in b = Y; ferrian zoisite: length-fast, l (-)
  Interference figure Highly variable, with 2V = 0° at the transition zoisite / ferrian zoisite; strong optic axis dispersion
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless

  Form  Habit Prismatic crystals, columnar to fibrous, also in aggregates; granular aggregates
  Surface Anhedral in granular aggregates; prismatic crystals subhedral to euhedral
  Cleavage {010} perfect
  Twinning Not common
  Extinction Straight to prism faces and cleavage in sections ∥ b

  Reaction textures  Breakdown product of anorthite
  Alteration /   decomposition Relatively resistant in surface environments

  Occurence     Ign Rare in mafic and ultramafic rocks
  Met Ca-bearing schists and gneisses; marble; blueschists and eclogite
  Hyd In "saussurite", a polymineralic hydrothermal alteration product of plagioclase

  Distinctive   properties               High relief, low Δn, anomalous interference colours, straight extinction
  Additional   comments Zoisite is the Fe3+-poor variety; as Fe3+ increases to ferrian zoisite , the optical orientation changes; this transition occurs where 2V = 0°, at about 0.09 Fe3+ p.f.u.

The Mn-enriched variety of zoisite is thulite. The refractive index ranges are: nX = 1.690 - 1.703 , nY = 1.693 - 1.705, nZ = 1.700 - 1.725; Δn = 0.008 - 0.022; 2V = 30 -70° (data largely based on Schaller & Glass 1942, Am. Min. 27, 519-524). Colour and pleochroism: X = pink, Y = pale pink or colourless, Z = pale yellow. Higher Mn concentration in the core of grains is common. Mn in Thulite is mainly replacing Ca (as Mn2+) and not Al (by Mn3+) as suggested in older works. The monoclinic variety, clinothulite, has a similar compositional range as thulite. Thulite and clinothulite occur in pegmatites, impure calcitic and dolomitic marble, and in hydrothermal veins.