
Orthorhombic  Images    

  Formula SrSO4
  Optic class & sign Biaxial positive
  Optical orientation X = c, Y = b, Z = a
  Optical plane (010)
  Relief Moderate-positive
  Refractive indices nx = 1.619 -1.622
ny = 1.622 -1.624
nz = 1.630 -1.632
n increases with increasing Ba
  Birefringence   (max.)0.009  - 0.010
  Optic Angle 2Vx
2Vz = 51° - 
  Sign of elongation Not diagnostic as crystals may be elongate ∥ a, b, or c
  Interference figure Sections ∥ (100) yield centred acute bisectrix figures on a first-order white background
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless; may be faintly tinted

  Form  Habit Tabular, lath-like, granular, fibrous aggregates
  Surface Euhedral to subhedral
  Cleavage {001} perfect, 2 sets of {210} distinct
  Twinning Rare
  Extinction Straight or symmetrical to various morphological elements (traces of cleavages and faces), depending on section orientation

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition Strontianite

  Occurence     Ign 
  Sed Evaporitic sediments associated with anhydrite or gypsum deposits; disseminated in limestone and dolomite; precipitates in fissures and cavities
  Hyd Hydrothermal veins

  Distinctive   properties               Low birefringence, relief, high symmetry
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