
Orthorhombic  Images    

  Formula AlO(OH)
  Optic class & sign Biaxial positive
  Optical orientation X = c, Y = b, Z = a
  Optical plane (010)
  Relief High
  Refractive indices nx = 1.682 -1.706
ny = 1.705 -1.725
nz = 1.730 -1.752
  Birefringence   (max.)0.040  - 0.048
  Optic Angle 2Vx
2Vz = 84 - 86°
  Sign of elongation Length-slow, l (+), or length-fast, l (-), depending on whether cut is closer to Z or to X in platy crystals
  Interference figure Commonly impractical due to fine grain size
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless; may be pale reddish-brown or violet to pale greyish green or green; absorption Z > Y > X

  Form  Habit Fine-grained aggregates of tiny scales or platelets, fibrous
  Cleavage {010} perfect
  Twinning Usually not twinned
  Extinction Straight to cleavage and main crystal faces in sections ∥ b

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition Relatively stable; diaspore is itself an alteration product of aluminous minerals

  Occurence     Ign 
  Met Al-rich metamorphic rocks (metabauxite and metamorphosed laterites, emery deposits), marble
  Sed Bauxite, laterite, aluminous clays
  Hyd Altered felsic igneous rocks

  Distinctive   properties               High n, moderately high Δn, mineral association. Optical identification may be difficult due to small grain size.
  Additional   comments Does not stably coexist with quartz, except at high pressures (> 12 kbar); coexists with coesite under ultrahigh-pressure conditions