
Triclinic  Images    

  Formula NaAlSi3O8 - CaAl2Si2O8
  Optic class & sign Biaxial positive or negative
  Optical orientation a, b, c at highly variable angles to X, Y, Z, depending on composition
  Optical plane Variable orientation, depending on composition
  Relief Low negative to low positive
  Refractive indices nx = 1.527 -1.577
ny = 1.531 -1.585
nz = 1.534 -1.590
n increases with increasing anorthite component
  Birefringence   (max.)0.007  - 0.013
   Δn decreases slightly from albite to andesine, then increases again to anorthite
  Optic Angle 2Vx = to be clarified - 
2Vz = 90 - 75°
  Sign of elongation Length-slow, l (+) and length-fast (l -), composition-dependent
  Interference figure 2V is generally high for low-T plagioclase, but may decrease on the Na-side to 50° for high-T plagioclase. Diffuse isogyre images on a white background. Tightly spaced twinning renders it difficult to obtain meaningful interference figures.
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless. May be clouded by alteration minerals

  Form  Habit Granular, tabular, elongate (parallel to c or a). Crystals in volcanics tend to have a high aspect ratio.
  Surface Anhedral to subhedral in plutonic rocks and metamorphic rocks; subhedral to euhedral in volcanics; euhedral if authigenic.
  Cleavage {001} perfect, {010} distinct, intersecting at 94 resp. 86°
  Twinning Large variety of possible twin laws, with multiple, lamellar twinning on (010) being most common (“albite law”). Recognition of albite twins: if twin plane is parallel to cross-hairs, the interference colour of both twin sets is uniform. Simple or, less commonly, multiple twins on (010) showing non-uniform interference colours in the above crystal orientation are Carlsbad twins. The twin axis of albite twins is orthogonal to (010), but parallel to (010) in Carlsbad twins (oriented [001]). A second set of multiple twinning may also be common about 90° to the albite twins, with a twin axis [010]. These are pericline twins.
  Extinction Inclined. Extinction angles vary strongly with composition. Of particular interest is the angle between X’ and the trace of (010) in sections orthogonal to [100], varying over a range of about 70° between Ab and An (see below). This angle can be used to quickly determine plagioclase composition under the microscope. The commonly used methods are the Michel-Lévy and Carlsbad-albite methods which are described in optical mineralogy books. Compositional zoning, as reflected in changing extinction angles, is common, particularly in plagioclase from intermediate igneous rocks. Zoning can be simple core-to-rim continuous (normal: An-rich to Ab-rich, or reverse: Ab-rich to An-rich), or oscillatory.

  Reaction textures  Plagioclase coronas around garnet in mafic rocks, commonly interpreted as a decompression effect.
  Alteration /   decomposition Sericite, calcite, clinozoisite, zoisite, secondary albite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, zeolites, prehnite. Sodic varieties are generally more stable than calcic ones, which can lead to selective alteration in compositionally zoned plagioclase.

  Occurence     Ign Felsic to mafic igneous rocks, plutonic and volcanic, ultramafic cumulates, pegmatites. Common range is albite/oligoclase/andesine in felsic rocks to labradorite/bytownite in mafic rocks.
  Met Very-low grade to high-grade felsic, mafic and pelitic rocks. Essentially pure albite up to greenschist facies, then increasing An component at higher temperatures, up to andesine. An-rich Plg in calcsilicate rocks and impure marble. Plg is not stable at high pressures (eclogite facies, mantle conditions). Product of Na-metasomatism.
  Sed Detrital in sediments and sedimentary rocks, particularly in immature clastic deposits; authigenic in diagenetic environmentsDetrital in sediments and sedimentary rocks, particularly in immature clastic deposits; authigenic in diagenetic environments
  Hyd Veins
  Other Stony meteorites

  Distinctive   properties               Low n and Δn, characteristic twinning, alteration. The expectation of multiple twins in plagioclase can be misleading. Twinning tends to be less common in plagioclase of metamorphic rocks, and may be completely absent. Authigenic albite is commonly untwinned. Note: lamellar twinning in cordierite resembles albite twinning, but occurs in three cross-cutting sets (cyclic twins); twin lamellae are less regular in shape, with a tendency to wedge out or terminate abruptly within a crystal, and/or show steps along twin planes.
  Additional   comments K contents of plagioclase do not influence optical properties significantly. Unmixing of high-temperature plagioclase during cooling can produce blebs of K-feldpar in plagioclase, called ‘anti-perthite’. In the absence of twinning, quantitative estimates of plagioclase versus quartz under the microscope may be difficult to make; looking for signs of alteration along grain margins is a sensible approach, even where plagioclase is mostly pristine. Routinely checking for interference figures in randomly oriented grains is clearly impractical. Otherwise, element mapping methods need to be applied.