Diopside - Hedenbergite

Monoclinic  Images    

  Formula Ca(Mg,Fe)Si2O6
  Optic class & sign Biaxial positive
  Optical orientation a near X, b = Y, c at a high angle to Z
  Optical plane (010)
  Relief High
  Refractive indices nx = 1.664 -1.732
ny = 1.672 -1.739
nz = 1.694 -1.757
n increases with increasing Fe2+ (and Fe3+)
  Birefringence   (max.)0.024  - 0.031
   Δn decreases with increasing Fe2+; Δn decreases with increasing Al
  Optic Angle 2Vx
2Vz = 49 - 64°
  Sign of elongation Due to large angle between c and Z, not readily applicable
  Interference figure Sections ⊥ c show off-centre figures with few isochromes
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless to pale green; hedenbergite bluish to brownish green Pleochroism: colour and pleochroism increase with increasing Fe from weak to strong. Chrome diopside is vivid green and distinctly pleochroic.

  Form  Habit Granular, stubby-prismatic, also acicular
  Surface Anhedral to euhedral
  Cleavage 2 sets {110} distinct, at 93 and 87° (seen in sections ⊥ c); parting on {001} and {100}; parting on (100) may be particularly prominent. In prismatic sections, the traces of the two principal cleavage sets are parallel.
  Twinning Simple or multiple on {100} and {001}
  Extinction Inclined, cɅZ = 38- 48° in (010) sections; c ∥ cleavage traces and prism faces. In the absence of (001) crystal faces, parting on {001} allows to identify the obtuse angle β within which Z is located. Symmetrical extinction to {110} cleavage and {110} faces in sections ⊥ c.

  Reaction textures  Late-magmatic hydration to form Ca-amphibole; metamorphic reactions replacing Ca-pyroxenes by Ca-amphiboles
  Alteration /   decomposition Secondary amphiboles (tremolite-actinolite), chlorite

  Occurence     Ign Anorthosite, olivine basalt, picrite; ultramafic rocks: chromian diopside in peridotites, pyroxenites, komatiites, kimberlites
  Met Calcsilicate rocks, skarns, amphibolites, mafic granulites

  Distinctive   properties               Moderate Δn, large extinction angles in maximum birefringence sections, characteristic pyroxene cleavage observed in sections ⊥ c. Optical properties similar to augite.
  Additional   comments Unmixing of orthopyroxene lamellae may be observed in Ca-pyroxene crystallized at high temperatures