
Monoclinic  Images    

  Formula Mg(Al,Fe3+)3(SiO4)2O(OH)
  Optic class & sign Biaxial positive
  Optical orientation X near a, Y = b, Z near c
  Optical plane (010)
  Relief High
  Refractive indices nx = 1.689 -1.691
ny = 1.691 -1.693
nz = 1.712 -1.715
  Birefringence   (max.)0.023  - 0.024
  Optic Angle 2Vx
2Vz = 25 - 30°
  Sign of elongation Length-slow, l (+) in sections close to (001) and (010); length-fast, l (-) in sections near (100). Y is parallel to the long dimension of the crystals.
  Interference figure 
  Colour /   pleochroism X: pale blue or green, Y: indigo, Z: pale olive green or yellow; strongly pleochroic, absorption Y > X > Z
  Zoning -

  Form  Habit Elongate-bladed
  Surface Anhedral
  Cleavage Poor; {001} parting

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition 

  Occurence     Ign 
  Met Kyanite-talc-quartz schist

  Distinctive   properties               High relief, colour and pleochroism; restricted occurrence
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