
Monoclinic  Images    

  Formula (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+,Al)Si2O6
  Optic class & sign Biaxial positive
  Optical orientation a near X, b = Y, c at a high angle to Z
  Optical plane (010)
  Relief High
  Refractive indices nx = 1.662 -1.701
ny = 1.670 -1.712
nz = 1.685 -1.723
n decreases with increasing jadeite component along the Jd-Di join; increases with increasing Aeg component
  Birefringence   (max.)0.012  - 0.028
   Δn decreases with increasing jadeite component along the Jd-Di join; increases with increasing Aeg component
  Optic Angle 2Vx
2Vz = 56 - 84°
  Sign of elongation Due to large angle between c and Z, not readily applicable
  Interference figure Large 2V isogyres with few isochromes
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless to pale green, weakly pleochroic; absorption Y = Z > X

  Form  Habit Granular
  Surface Commonly anhedral
  Cleavage 2 sets {110} distinct, at 93 and 87° (seen in sections ⊥ c); in prismatic sections, the traces of the two principal cleavage sets are parallel.
  Twinning Simple or multiple on {100} and {001}
  Extinction Inclined, cɅZ = 36 - 48° in (010) sections; c ∥ cleavage traces and prism faces. Symmetrical extinction to {110} cleavage in sections ⊥ c.

  Reaction textures  Replacement by Na- or Ca-amphiboles
  Alteration /   decomposition 

  Occurence     Ign 
  Met Eclogite, less common in blueschists

  Distinctive   properties               Moderate Δn, large extinction angles in maximum birefringence sections, characteristic pyroxene cleavage observed in sections ⊥ c. Restricted occurrence, in paragenesis with abundant garnet.
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