
Trigonal  Images    

  Formula (Ca0.5,Na,K)6Al6Si12O36 ∙ 17H2O
  Optic class & sign Uniaxial negative
  Relief Moderate- to low-negative
  Refractive indices no = 1.487 -1.502
ne = 1.489 -1.510
  Birefringence   (max.)0 002  - 0.008
  Sign of elongation Length-slow, l (+) in elongate sections at a high angle to c
  Interference figure 
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless
  Zoning -

  Form  Habit Thin tabular; sheaf-like aggregates
  Cleavage Normally not seen in thin section
  Twinning Penetration twins on {0001} generally present
  Extinction Straight to traces of {0001} faces in sections ∥ c (max Δn)

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition 

  Occurence     Ign 
  Hyd Cavities in basalt

  Distinctive   properties               Hexagonal tabular habit, very low n, very low Δn, lack of cleavage
  Additional   comments Can be biaxial.
n-Δn charts A, B: Bre - brewsterite, Cpt - clinoptilolite, Epi - epistilbite, Hul - heulandite,
Lev - levyne, Stb - stilbite, Yug - yugawaralite