
Monoclinic  Images    

  Formula (K,Na,Ca)2(Si,Al)8O16 • 6H2O
  Optic class & sign Biaxial positive
  Optical orientation X = b, Y at a high angle to a, Z near c
  Optical plane Orthogonal to (010)
  Relief Moderate- to low-negative
  Refractive indices nx = 1.483 -1.504
ny = 1.484 -1.509
nz = 1.486 -1.514
n decreases with increasing Si content
  Birefringence   (max.)0.003  - 0.010
  Optic Angle 2Vx
2Vz = 60 - 80°
  Sign of elongation 
  Interference figure Broad, diffuse isogyres; relatively high 2V
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless
  Zoning -

  Form  Habit Granular, columnar-prismatic, radiating aggregates; twinning results in pseudo-orthorhombic, pseudo-tetragonal and pseudo-cubic forms
  Surface Commonly euhedral to subhedral
  Cleavage {010}, {100}
  Twinning Generally twinned; single and double penetration twins on {001}, {201} and {011}
  Extinction Inclined to crystal faces and twin planes in random sections

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition 

  Occurence     Ign 
  Sed Saline lake deposits, hot-spring deposits; authigenic in deep-sea sediments, altered tuffs
  Hyd Vesicle and fracture fillings in silica-deficient volcanic rocks (including basalts, phonolites, trachytes)

  Distinctive   properties               Habit and twinning
Note: Reliable identification of zeolite species may require chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, and/or DTA
  Additional   comments n-Δn chart: Anl – analcime, Cbz – chabazite, Fau – faujasite, Gis - gismondine,
Gme – gmelinite, Hrm – harmotome, Php – phillipsite, Wrk - wairakite