
Tetragonal  Images    

  Formula SnO2
  Optic class & sign Uniaxial positive
  Relief Very high
  Refractive indices no = 1.990 -2.010
ne = 2.091 -2.100
n increases with Fe content
  Birefringence   (max.)0.090  - 0.100
   Interference colours tend to be obscured by mineral colour
  Sign of elongation Length-slow, l (+)
  Interference figure Basal sections show uniaxial figure with multiple isochromes
  Colour /   pleochroism Commonly strongly coloured, typically in shades of brown and yellow, less commonly red or green; may also be nearly colourless; pleochroism weak to strong, E > O
  Zoning Colour zoning may be present; blotchy-irregular and oscillatory zoning is observed

  Form  Habit Stubby tetragonal prisms with pyramidal terminations; acicular; coarse to fine granular masses; aggregates of radiating or parallel-arranged crystals
  Surface Euhedral to anhedral
  Cleavage Poor
  Twinning {101} simple or multiple twins common, elbow-type, also cyclic or lamellar
  Extinction Straight to traces of prism faces and cleavage in sections ∥ c; inclined to twin planes

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition Resistant to weathering; cassiterite is itself an alteration product of Sn-bearing sulfides

  Occurence     Ign Felsic plutonic rocks, pegmatites, greisen, rhyolite
  Met Skarns of metasomatic contact zones
  Sed Heavy mineral fraction of clastic sediments
  Hyd High-temperature hydrothermal vein deposits

  Distinctive   properties               Very high relief and birefringence, colour; resembles rutile
  Additional   comments May be anomalously biaxial with small 2V