
Trigonal  Images    

  Formula Ca(Mg,Fe,Mn)(CO3)2
  Optic class & sign Uniaxial negative
  Relief Low-negative to high; sections with c close to the thin section plane show a marked change of relief over a 90° rotation; strong chagrin in high-relief position (= polarizer parallel to long diagonal of rhomb)
  Refractive indices no = 1.690 -1.750
ne = 1.510 -1.548
n increases with increasing Fe (and Mn)
  Birefringence   (max.)0.180  - 0.202
   Δn increases with increasing Fe (and Mn); strong dispersion
  Sign of elongation Hardly applicable due to very high Δn
  Interference figure Well-defined isogyre cross, isochromes over multiple colour orders
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless; staining through secondary Fe oxidation
  Zoning -

  Form  Habit Columnar, tabular, granular
  Surface Anhedral to euhedral, whereby faces may be curved
  Cleavage 3 sets of rhombohedral cleavage {1011}
  Twinning Simple on {0001}, {10Simple on {0001}, {1010}, {1120}
  Extinction Symmetrical to cleavage traces and rhombohedral twin planes in sections subparallel to c. Mottled extinction due to preparation-related, abundant miniscule surface breakouts at cleavage intersections.

  Reaction textures  
  Alteration /   decomposition Fe oxides and hydroxides

  Occurence     Ign Carbonatite, lamprophyre, dolerite
  Met Low-grade Fe-rich rocks
  Sed Argillaceous sediments and sedimentary rocks and sandstones, diagenetic and authigenic
  Hyd Veins and alteration zones

  Distinctive   properties               High-order white interference colours, rhombohedral cleavage, relief change between nO and nE (as for all other rhombohedral carbonates). Distinction of ankerite from other carbonates in thin section by staining is possible.
  Additional   comments Ankerite mainly represents a solid solution between dolomite and the theoretical endmember Ferro-dolomite, CaFe(CO3)2. The latter is not found to exist in nature. Natural compositions range from CaMg0.8Fe0.2(CO3)2 to CaMg0.3Fe0.7(CO3)2.
n-Δn chart: Cal - calcite, Dol - dolomite, Kut - kutnahorite, Mgs - magnesite, Rds - rhodochrosite, Sid - siderite, Smt - smithsonite. The range of refractive indices and of Δn for ankerite is not indicated separately on the chart, but extends from just above dolomite towards siderite.