
Monoclinic  Images    

  Formula Al(OH)3
  Optic class & sign Biaxial positive
  Optical orientation X = b, Y near a, Z near c
  Optical plane Orthogonal to (010)
  Relief Low- to moderate-positive
  Refractive indices nx = 1.568 -1.580
ny = 1.568 -1.580
nz = 1.587 -1.600
  Birefringence   (max.)0.019  - 0.020
  Optic Angle 2Vx
2Vz = 0 - 40°
  Sign of elongation Length-fast, l (-)
  Interference figure 
  Colour /   pleochroism Colourless to pale brown

  Form  Habit Tabular, pseudohexagonal outline
  Cleavage {001}
  Twinning {001} common
  Extinction c∧Z = 21°

  Reaction textures  Product of hydration of feldspars and other aluminous minerals
  Alteration /   decomposition Kaolinite

  Occurence     Ign 
  Sed Bauxite, laterite, soils; less common as cement in sand or sandstone
  Hyd Veins

  Distinctive   properties               Birefringence, relief, optic sign; environment of occurrence
  Additional   comments Other Al(OH)3 polymorphs: norstrandite (nx = 1.580, ny = 1.583, nz = 1.602, 2Vz = 24°), doyleite (nx = 1.545, ny = 1.553, nz = 1.566, 2Vz = 77°)