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Lawsonite blueschist (lawsonite, glaucophane, epidote, calcite, albite)
Pelion, Euboea, Greece
Source: Thin section collection T. Reinecke
Photos: MMR
Comments and references:

Section orthogonal to c
Crystal aggregate, variable orientations (B)

Section orthogonal to c, Y ∥ pol plane (ext position)
Section orthogonal to c, X and Y in diagonal position
Section orthogonal to c, X and Y in diagonal position, +1λ (A)
Crystal aggregate, variable orientations (B)
Crystal aggregate, variable orientations, +1λ (B)
Section ∥ a and b, b = Y ∥ pol plane (ext position) (C)

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Width of view   Pol orientation
 0.5 mm

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